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San Juan High School, Class of 1962

Citrus Heights, California

Reunion Date: September 19th, 2012
Website: Visit our website

â� ¢ 50th San Juan Class of \'62 REUNION
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Social Hour: 6:30pm
Dinner: 7:30pm
Dancing and More . . .
Arden West Hilton Hotel
2200 Harvard Street
Sacramento, CA 95815
916 922-4700

Friday, September 28th
o Mixer - Round Table Pizza
o 2319 Sunset Blvd, Rocklin
o No Host
o 6:00pm

Sunday, September 30th
o Picnic - Lew Howard Park
o 7299 Baldwin Dam Dr, Folsom
o BBQ - hot dogs and buns provided
o 1:00pm
ANY QUESTIONS ? ? ? Contact
Joyce McDanniel Ayres, 916 632-9500
Vicki Boyd Halseth, 916 802-2172, text or call
email: halseth@sbcglobal.net

How fast the years have gone! If you have been lucky enough to attend any of our past reunions, you know how much fun is had by all, and if you have never attended, please try to make this major milestone as you won\'t forget the great memories and fun times getting reacquainted with classmates!

Reunion Contacts

Joyce McDanniel Ayres
(916) 632-9500

Vicki Boyd Halseth
(916) 802-2172