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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceOurclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sites

Pointe Coupee Central High School, Class of 2002

Morganza, Louisiana

Reunion Date: August 31st, 2012

It has been 10 years since we all have been under the same roof and spent time together. We are forming our 10 year reunion scheduled for Labor Day weekend August 31st and September 1st and 2nd to take place in Biloxi, Mississippi. On this 3-day weekend we will have fun in the sun and relax on the gorgeous Biloxi beach. You are welcomed to bring the kids, but if you want to experience the night life please make preparations to do so accordingly. No babysitters will be provided. Transportation to Biloxi is pending granting how many need transportation. Hotel accommodation will not be provided. We have enclosed a packet with hotels in the area and other details. This is a grown up affair and everyone is responsible for themselves. We will be meeting up at the Wal-Mart on O-Neal Lane in Baton Rouge at 11:00am on August 31st and departing at approximately 12:00pm from the Wal-Mart for arrival in Biloxi. For those of you who prefer not to drive or need transportation there are 2 options: car pooling or van rental. Depending on how many people are in need, van rental would be a good choice (rental fee will divided amongst who all need transportation). There aren’t any fees. Everyone is responsible for themselves. Please bring enough funds to have fun. We are in the process of scheduling a few tours and events such as jet skiing and dining at one of the local casinos. Upon making these reservations, we need your input. On the next page is a questionnaire that you need to answer and return no later than June 15th, 2012. This will give us an idea of how many of you want to participate and so on.

Also, we do have scheduled on May 19th a Club Night and on May 20th a Family and Friend Day. On the 19th we will meet at The Chimes East in Baton Rouge at 8:00pm for dinner and drinks. No fee is to be paid. You are responsible for paying for your own meals and drinks. A menu for Chimes has been enclosed. After dinner at Chimes, we will head to Club Empire to party. We are currently in the makings of reserving V.I.P., but we need to know who all will be attending. The cost for V.I.P. is $10 that has to be paid by May 17th. On May 20th at 3:00pm, we will head to where it all started, Pointe Coupee Central. This will be our Family and Friend day where you can bring the kids, friends, and whomever you chose to come out and have fun. There will be food, a DJ, and a spacewalk for the kids. There is a fee of $30 for this day that will cover the food, DJ, and spacewalk. Extra monies will be placed in an account to put towards any other activity the class develops in the future.

For all monies collected there will be a receipt issued and in the event that these activities do not take place, a full refund will be granted. No refund will be granted if you pay and decide not to show up.
To take part in the May events, please act quickly and cooperate. Also, if you know of any classmate/alumni that may not have received a letter, please relay the message to them and have them call one of the committee members for details.

Okay guys! This is official! This is it! Let’s have fun and celebrate a decade of being a Pointe Coupee Central Class of 2002 Graduate!!!

We hope to see you all at the events!

Reunion Contacts

Tialesha Oliney
(225) 7187816

Naomi Parker
(225) 4567623