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StadiumCups.com is your source for custom printed drinkware.The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Palo Duro High School, Class of 1964

Amarillo, Texas

Reunion Date: July 2nd, 2004
Website: Visit our website

We've made plans for our 40th reunion celebration!!!!!!!!

Palo Duro High School
Class of '64
Who's Got More?

July 2, 2004    Registration
July 3, 2004    Reception & Banquet
July 4, 2004    4th of July Picnic

Kiva Hotel & Conference Center
2501 I-40 East
Amarillo, Texas 79104

$50 per night Room Rate (2 full size beds or 1 king size bed)
$60 per night Room Rate for a Suite
Call 806-379-6555 to make your Room Reservations
50 rooms blocked for our group...all opening to the Atrium (outside access also)

The estimated cost of this great Reunion of Friends is $50 per person

No limit on how much fun you can have!

Reunion Contacts