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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServicePlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.

New Rochelle High School, Class of 1982

New Rochelle, New York

Reunion Date: August 10th, 2012
Website: Visit our website

A Reunion for New Rochelle HS, Class of 1982,(class of 1981 also welcome) will be held on Friday Night, August 1012, from 7pm-midnight, at Juliano\'s, New Rochelle. Gala Reception and Full Buffet Dinner with 4 hour open bar. Music, Dancing, Great Food and much more! Don\'t miss the fun of having a great party with your fellow grads. To. receive an invite contact: info@reunions2remember with your postal address, year of graduation, maiden & married name (if applicable)

Reunion Contacts

Marisol Pierantoni-Dioses
(954) 270-0604

Denise Cruz-Randolph
(914) 391-3993