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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesThe Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServicePlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.

Pershing High School, Class of 1974

Detroit, Michigan

Reunion Date: September 20th, 2014
Website: Visit our website

It\'s been 40 years since we walk through those Blue and Gold doors of Pershing High. The classes of 74 and 75 invite the classes of 71, 72,73, 76,77, and 78 to come out and party Blue and Gold Style at the Greektown Casino Hotel in downtown Detroit
You can also mail your payment to: C/O K Banks PO Box 46004 Mount Clemens, MI 48046 -6004
Tickets can also be purchased online at:
Nancy Couch Nowak \'74

Reunion Contacts

Janette Thompson
(248) 596-8116

Lori McKinley
(313) 920-1255

Greg Armstead
(586) 405-8821