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Waubonsie Valley High School, Class of 1994

Aurora, Illinois

Reunion Date: September 6th, 2014
Website: Visit our website

When: Saturday, September 6, 2014
Where:Seven Bridges Golf Club
Who: Alumni of WVHS Class of 1994 and your guest (spouse, partner, friend, neighbor, random cute stranger you meet at the airport on the way into town) and those who would\\\'ve graduated with the Class of 1994.
Cost: $75/person
Tickets cover the cost for the space, Jason Sturmon as our band, hors d\\\'oeuvres, 4 hour premium open bar, a walk down memory lane and photobooth fun.
Questions: Contact Camille Marksberry Brantley at wvhsclassof1994@gmail.com or (901)481-7190
Purchase your tickets now through Eventbrite, or (to avoid pesky eventbrite fees) mail a check made out to Camille Brantley (\\\"WVHS reunion\\\" in the memo line): 255 Fletcher Road, Collierville, TN 38017
If you are interested in helping plan entertainment for the evening, finding our classmates, creating a slide show, honoring our deceased classmates, or any other details of the Reunion Party, please let Camille know.
If you have any memorablia or pictures for the memorablia table, please contact Stephanie Gregory Waite.

Reunion Contacts

Camille Brantley
(901) 4817190