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Lindbergh High School, Class of 1980

St. Louis, Missouri

Reunion Date: September 26th, 2015
Website: Visit our website

TWO DAY EXTRAVAGANZA of reminiscing, redefining, and revelry.

RSVP Here: https://lhs2005reunion.eventbrite.com/

Day 1 (September 25, 2015 at 6pm): Is the Homecoming Football Game at LHS v. Marquette High School.

Meet at LHS for a ton of family fun with BBQ and catching up before the big homecoming game. Donations accepted to cover the cost of the food. Admission to the game is free for alumni. Perfect for the whole family! Dress is casual.

Day 2 (September 26, 2015 at 7pm): Is cocktail hour (or three) at Harry\'s Restaurant & Bar on Market. Admission is free! There will be a cash bar and food available for purchase. Attire is dressy casual.

Each Lindbergh High School alum is more than welcome to bring a plus one along for the September 26th adventure.

Harry\'s Restaurant & Bar is located at 2144 Market St, St. Louis, MO 63103. We will update the event location at 12am on 09/26 to reflect this address.

Reunion Contacts

Bronwyn Ritchie