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Elmwood Park High School, Class of 1966

Elmwood Park, Illinois

Reunion Date: July 16th, 2016

Hilton Indian Lakes Resort
250 W. Schick, Bloomingdale, IL
6 pm cash bar; 7 pm buffet dinner;
9:30 Old's Cool band
$65 per person. RSVP by July 1, 2016
Make check payable to EPHS Class of 1966. Mail to Linda Bertini Young, 3220 Arbor Ln, Prairie Grove, IL 60012
A block of rooms is reserved for Friday and Saturday nights. Mention EPHS Class of 1966.
Weekend Events:
Friday, July 15 at 6 pm. Informal gathering at Russell's Barbecue. Please RSVP.
Saturday, July 16 Tour of EPHS at 10 a.m.
Contact Linda or Bob with any questions

Reunion Contacts

Linda Bertini Young

Bob Arroyo