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Hammond High School, Class of 1967

Hammond, Florida

Reunion Date: August 5th, 2017
Website: Visit our website

Hammond High School Class of 1967 Reunion Update
August 4th and August 5th 2017
August 4th- Friday night Reception and Pizza Party @ The Clipper Room @ The Hammond Marina.
$20/Person – This covers supplies, decorations, snacks, salads, desserts, and John’s Pizzas.
Cash Bar
August 5th – Saturday AM – Golfing with Alan Sarver
Contact Alan Sarver for details at: sarverstat@yahoo.com or
call 269-808-3590
August 5th – Saturday afternoon picnic. $1/Person cash payable to Terry O’Bryan Kiszka
Featuring Maid Rite Hamburgers
Please bring a side dish, snacks, chips, pop, water or any other picnic foods.
August 5th – Dinner/Dance @ Teibel’s
$75/Person – This covers dinner, decorations, supplies, DJ, reunion booklet, floral arrangements, menu and gratuities.
Cash Bar
Please make checks payable to Hammond High School Class of 1967
Mail checks to: Mrs. Peggy Tuck Sinko
605 S. Ridgeland Ave.
Oak Park, IL 60304
Donations are appreciated to help defray Reunion costs.
Please pass on Reunion info to fellow classmates. Many classmates have changed email addresses, addresses and phone #’s. We need your assistance and your attendance to ensure this will be a successful reunion!!
Please check Face Book @ Hammond High School Class of 1967 and Classmates.com for further updates.

Reunion Contacts

Kelly Sang
(407) 4891540

Cathy Nowak Carrier
(708) 708-307-8206