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Bayonne High School, Class of 1985

Bayonne, New Jersey

Reunion Date: April 8th, 2005

date change Cornucopia Dinner Cruise - New York Dinner Cruise, New Jersey Dinner Cruise directions and info to follow. this is a 5 hour cruise around Manhatten with premium open bar buffet, dj and much more. come join your friends at the Bayonne High School Class Reuion of 1985. See you There.Please send all E mails to CDRN142@AOL.COM or Call Clare at 201-436-1846. or Cherylanne Snyder at 732-283-9079 or email at cabrt@comcast.net Committee meeting to meet soon. Anyone intereseted in helping please let me know. Thanks. Clare Dunphy-Kennedy boat sails at 7pm.no excuses.

Reunion Contacts

Cherylanne Brennan
(732) 283-9079