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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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StadiumCups.com is your source for custom printed drinkware.The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

French High School, Class of 1965

Beaumont, Texas

Reunion Date: October 7th, 2005

You’re invited to the 40th reunion of the French High School class of 1965!!!

When:  …………… Friday, October 7th and Saturday, October 8th, 2005

Where:  ………… The MCM Elegante’ Hotel - 2355 I-10 South. Beaumont
(formerly the Hilton, now remodeled & very beautiful)              


Since we can no longer attend an FHS football homecoming, we are having a “homecoming theme”…………The Friday-night Pep Rally starts at 7:00 PM.  It will be a casual dress get together around the pool.  There will be a fajita buffet and a cash bar.  The charge is $15.00 per person.

Saturday night is the Homecoming Dinner/dance.  It will start at 7:00 PM.  We will all sit down to a Cajun dinner then dance the night away.  There will be a cash bar.  Some of us may choose to dress up (no formals).  Others may feel more comfortable in casual dress.  Whatever suits you, suits us.  We just want you there!!!  The charge for Saturday night is $30.00 per person.

Please fill out the form below and mail it, along with your check to:  Gwen (Asbury) Speed - 11106 Albury Park Ln. - Tomball, Texas 77375.  Make your check payble to:  FHS  65.  (You are encouraged to bring guests!)  If you would like to volunteer to help, please check the committee/s on which you would like to serve.

We are including a list of our class members who are missing.  If you know the whereabouts of any of them, please let us know.  Also, if we do not have your New address and phone # or e-mail address, please include that also.

The MCM Elegante’ Hotel is offering us rooms for $69.00 per night.  Their phone # is: 409-842-3600.  Call if you would like to stay there.

Let’s make this the best reunion ever.

Reunion Contacts


