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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServicePlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Wilbur Cross High School, Class of 1980

New Haven, Connecticut

Reunion Date: May 27th, 2005
Website: Visit our website

Cross High School Class of 1980 Reunion
Alan Thorne
May 27, 2005 07:00 PM ET

5 hours

Hello Fellow Classmates: The Class Reunion for the Wilbur Cross Class of 1980 will be held on the Memorial Day weekend. The reason for this particular weekend is because most people don't travel and those that would travel could come and get home for Monday and still have a day off from work. The spirit of the reunion will be to have a reflection of the racial and cultural makeup of our class. I am looking to have a fair balance of African-Americans, Caucasians & Hispanics attend our gala affair. Our reunion committee reflects the outcome and we are working diligently to insure that this reunion will be a success. We are even trying to insure that the music will speak to the variey of persons who will be in attendance. I ask that you do your part to come and celebrate our 25th year reunion from the best high school in the City of New Haven - Wilbur Cross. The sit down dinner will be held on Friday, May 27th. On Sunday, May 29th we will end on a worship note where we will part ways with us binding together in prayer. Details will follow about the Sunday event. Should you have any questions or comments, please email me at alanbthorne@yahoo.com Information will follow about where & how pay to send payments. Let's Get Excited About Getting Together!!!!! Sincerely, Alan B. Thorne Sr. Wilbur Cross Class President - 1980 'THE CLASS WITH CLASS'

Foxon Country House
Rt 80
East Haven, CT

$55.00 per person

Reunion Contacts

Alan Thorne