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Delta High School, Class of 1955

Delta, Colorado

Reunion Date: January 1st, 2005

The 50th class reunion will be on September 9th & 10th, 2005 in Delta. On Friday evening the 9th, Class of 55 will host an hors d'oeuvres reception at the Fireside Restaurant. Events will conclude at the Fireside on Saturday eveing also at the Fireside.
An optional post reunion trip is planned. Classmates meet at Silverton on Monday the 12th, catch the shuttle bus to Durango, then check in at the Strater Hotel. Reservations have been made that night for the Diamond Circle Melodrama & Vaudeville held in the Strater. The next morning, we catch the Denver & Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Roilroad for the return trip to Silverton.
The post trip will cost about $180 per person, ddbl occupapncy and we must have a $100 per person deposit to reserve this portion by March 20, 2005.
Contact Harry & Peggy Gilbert, email gil81410@bresnan.net.

Reunion Contacts

Harry Gilbert
(970) 261-0483

Janet Connaway
(970) 434-7882