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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Kailua High School, Class of 1970

Kailua, Hawaii

Reunion Date: July 8th, 2005
Website: Visit our website

Class of 1970 reunion--July 8-10 in Kailua-Bellows area. Classes of '68, '69, '71, '72 welcome! Party Friday night; dinner and dance Saturday night. We hope to have cabins/campsite at Bellows so people can drift in and out, kids can play at beach, etc., all weekend. Contact Connie McCracken (mccrackenc@nod.org or Jody Green (808-259-3445). Check our classreport.com website for details.

Reunion Contacts

Connie McCracken

Jody Green
(808) 259-3445