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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesPlanning the best reunions for over 25 years.

Union High School, Class of 1969

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Reunion Date: November 5th, 2005

The Union High School Classes of 1969, 1970 and 1971 will be hosting a combined reunion on Saturday, November 5, 2005 at the University Club located at 111 Lyon NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.  The reunion will include a band, dancing and hors d'ouerves, and the cost is $22.50 per person. If you can provide any contact information for classmates that may be hard to reach, please call Tim Steenland Sr. at 616-784-3322 or Michael Stauffer at 616-458-0555  

Reunion Contacts

Michael Stauffer
(616) 458-0555

Tim Steenland Sr.
(616) 784-3322