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Traverse City High School, Class of 1960

Traverse City, Michigan

Reunion Date: July 23rd, 2005
Website: Visit our website

'Every high school has its colors, of brown red white and blue.' Our colors?????? Black and Gold.
It's time for the best class of all to hold not our 41st, not our 42nd, not our 43rd,,,,,, our 45th reunion.

JULY 23, 2005 at Tom & Kathy Brodhagen's farm (near Empire). Details to follow. Make motel reservations now.

The Committee: Sue Block Girard, Mike & Jean Kratky Linger, Tom Brodhagen,
Chuck & Bethany Kramer Goodman, Jane Day Holdeman, Bob Warner and Mickey Fivenson.

We need your help. Locate and inform us by email of at least one other classmate.
Respond to this email so we know you are still with us. (Just kidding!!??) Email me your address, phone, fax.

Go Black/Go Gold

Regards, Mickey Fivenson, Class of 1960 TCHS
Ph 231-946-2195. Fx 419-818-0129. mickey@telecomclassifiedads.com

By the way, does anyone know the second line of the Fight Song? ??? Please email me.

Reunion Contacts

Chuck Goodman
(231) 922-9181

Mickey Fivenson
(231) 946-2195