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Billings Senior High, Class of 1985

Billings, Montana

Reunion Date: July 29th, 2005
Website: Visit our website

BILLINGS SENIOR HIGH CLASS OF 1985 20 YEAR CLASS REUNION JULY 29TH AND 30TH 2005!!! I'm working with Pam Milne, the Official Organizer and Head of the Reunion Committee, to help get the word out (more details will follow ). We are in the process of setting up online to aide in the organization of the Herculean task of organizing this reunion. So... with that said, please update your classmates.com profiles and spread the word. Tell everyone who may be interested or that you are in contact with that may (or may not) be online to create a profile on classmates.com as well. More details to follow. DAN WAGNER WILL BE SENDING OUT information by snail mail!! You can check the itinerary at: http://senior.billings.k12.mt.us/senior/reunion/class1985/index.htm and reunion info once I'm done with the form will be available here: http://www.avantstrangel.com/reunion However it would help IMMENSELY and be most appreciated if everyone updates their info NOW here and on the Sr. High Site.

Reunion Contacts

Pam Milne Smith
(406) 671-1866

Mose Davis