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Highland Park High School, Class of 1995

Topeka, Kansas

Reunion Date: September 2nd, 2005

Let’s Get It Started
Welcome fellow classmates. The time has come for the reunion of the class of 1995.  A few months ago the class officers came together to begin discussing ideas for this reunion. Several thoughts and suggestions were discussed. Several of the ideas focused around events being family oriented and simple.  As a result we have a date!

Please mark your calendar for Labor Day Weekend 2005. The activities will begin on Friday and end Saturday evening.

How Much Is It Going To Cost
To be able to make this reunion fun and enjoyable to you and your family, money is needed. To participate, the cost is $25 per person, $10 per child between the ages of 5- 13, and children under 5 are free. The money received will go towards the activities organized for the reunion.  

In efforts to get things reserved, it’s encouraged to send the money RIGHT NOW for you and your family’s fees. The money can be sent to: 2523 SE Colorado Topeka, KS  66605. Check or money order can be made out to: Highland Park 95 Reunion. Please remember to include the registration form when you mail your fees.

Information on business owners, private organizations, or employee discounts are needed.  If you are aware of anyone willing to donate items for our class reunion please contact Ginger Monson at gingermonson@cox.net.

The Lost and Found
Some of our classmates are lost and we are unable to locate them. If you know any of our classmates mailing address or e-mail address please send the information to Shontel McGee at
msshontel@yahoo.com. Please help us reach as many people as possible.

Photos and 95’ Memorabilia
If you have any pictures or keepsakes that you would like used during the program please mail copies to Ginger Monson (2523 SE Colorado Topeka, KS  66605) or via e-mail gingermonson@cox.net.

If you have any questions or concerns about the reunion, please feel free to contact Kalisha Patrick at

Volunteers Wanted
If you would like to help we are looking for volunteers to help plan, coordinate, and set-up. Please contact us and we will get you involved. We look forward to hearing from you!

95’ Class Officers

Reunion Contacts

Kalisha Patrick

Ginger Monson

Shontel Mcgee