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Dougherty High School, Class of 1980

Albany, Georgia

Reunion Date: July 9th, 2005

The DHS Class of 1980 will be holding its 25th Class Reunion on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at the Doublegate Country Club beginning at 6 pm with Meet & Greet (Cash Bar will be open at this time). Reunion festivities will begin at 8 pm with Brian Welch serving as Master of Ceremonies.  Music, dancing and food will begin shortly thereafter and continue until midnight or so. A yearbook photo slideshow will be continuously displayed throughout the evening. Valet Parking Available (Tips Accepted). The theme will be casual (NO SHORTS OR JEANS). Cost is $25 per person or $50 per couple (less any deposit) if paid by June 30, 2005. Otherwise, cost will be $35 per person and $70 per couple at the door.

Reunion Contacts

Debbie Kincaid/Carbon