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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Columbia High School, Class of 1985

West Columbia, Texas

Reunion Date: June 18th, 2005
Website: Visit our website

Columbia High School                        
Class of 1985                                        
20 Year Reunion
Saturday, June 18, 2005

925 Highway 332
Lake Jackson, Texas 77566
1-800-544-2119 or 979-297-1161

Schedule of events:
9:00 – 10:00AM – Tour of Columbia High School, led by Principal Steven Galloway.

11:00AM – 3:00PM - Cherotel – Lake Jackson - Picnic by the Pool – Children are encouraged to attend. We also have a banquet room and will provide a few refreshments.  Please feel free to bring a picnic lunch for your family.  

7:00PM – Midnight - Cherotel - Lake Jackson (Reception – Buffet Dinner, dessert, tea, & coffee provided.
Full cash bar for those interested and entertainment will be provided by a DJ), no children please.

Please let us know if you will need babysitting services and we will do our best to provide you with a list of contacts for babysitting.

The Cherotel is holding a block of rooms for June 17 & 18, $69.00 per night. If you want to make a reservation, please call the Cherotel and reference Columbia High Class of '85 Reunion.

Please fill-out the bottom portion of this form and return it with your check or Visa/Mastercard information, by May 1, 2005.

Remit to:
Shelley Davis Camp
5801 Ariel Street
Houston, TX 77074
Cut here
Name(s): _________________________
e-mail address______________________
Yes, ___________will be attending the reunion Enclosed is my check for single ($35.00) couple ($70.00).
No, ____________ I will not be attending the reunion, but enclosed is a $______________donation for the Columbia High School Class of 1985 next reunion.
No, _____________I will not be attending the reunion.
Pay with Visa/Mastercard, your statement will say company name of shelleydaviscamp@earthlink.net and a phone number of 832-287-8207, questions call Shelley at the number on the statement.  
Credit Card information as follows:
Name as it appears on card __________________________________
Credit Card number __________________________________Exp. Date: ______________________
Billing Address of card __________________________________

Reunion Contacts

Shelley Davis-Camp
(713) 774-0226

Tim Wells
(832) 326-6914

Jeri Higgins-Malone