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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.Planning the best reunions for over 25 years.The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

Arroyo High School, Class of 1986

El Monte, California

Reunion Date: August 19th, 2006
Website: Visit our website

Hey Classmates,

Can you believe it going to be 20 years that we graduated high school? Â  Here are a few facts from OUR year of 1986:

Ronald Reagan was our nations President
Nintendo introduces its games to America
IBM unveils the PC Convertible, the first laptop computer
Top Gun is the top grossing film
The US officially observes Martin Luther King Day as a national holiday
Cosby Show was the number one watched show in the United States
Prince had a hit called 'kiss'
Gas was $0.89 per. gallon
The Statue of Liberty's 100 year anniversary
'Expensive' jeans were $30
Nasa's space shuttle The Challenger exploded
Scientists Confirm Hole in Ozone Layer
The Olsen Twins were born
Clint Eastwood was elected Mayor of Carmel, CA
1/3 of Americans owned VCR's
Bon Jovi releases their break through album 'Slippery When Wet'.
The Oprah Winfrey Show makes it debut

The gas price really hit me, how about you? Â  

The reason for my email, I’m taking a poll to see who would be interested in having a 20 year reunion.   There were many people who didn’t go to our 10 year reunion but I hope our 20 year reunion will be more successful.   Please let me know what your thoughts are and if you keep in contact with other classmates from 1986 please pass along my email and website information.   Please email me at alonso_bribiesca@yahoo.com   & the at www.arroyokightsclasof86.com I hope to hear from you.

Alonso Bribiesca


Look out for my Announcements, I want to keep you informed of any new details, another thing your comments, suggestions are greatly appreciated.   I want to make this a   great Reunion and with your help we can all make it happen

Reunion Contacts

Alonso Bribiesca