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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesThe Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

Cary High School, Class of 1985

Cary, North Carolina

Reunion Date: August 13th, 2005

From: Class of 1985 Reunion Commitee
Location: Hilton Garden Inn
1500 Center Dr.,RTP,NC
When: Saturday, August 13, 7:00pm
Phone: 919-840-8088

Our DAYTIME event will take place at North Cary Park off of Norwell Rd. Event to be held Saturday August 13th 11AM to 3PM. Cost for this event :Adults- $15.00, Children (6-12) $12.50 and Under 6- free. Hosted by Ole Time BBQ.
***You need only pay if you plan to eat. ***Event open to everyone.***

Our EVENING EVENT to be held at the Hilton Garden Inn-RTP. (Just off of I-40 and Page Rd.exit) $65 per person this includes dinner, drinks, and fun (does not include alcohol). Dress to impress.

Rooms are available for $79 per night for out of town guest and those who want to stay.(Rooms blocked under Cary High Class of 1985)

Please make checks out to Cary High School 20 Year Reunion and include the amount for all attended events and people attending. Note events attending on check and on RSVP.

**T-Shirts available for $15.00 ea. (Please state size)**

You can mail the checks in care of Lisa Maidon Bevelacqua 612 Canady Ct. Willow Spring,NC 27592 or Anja Lemon Ancarana 320 Valley Glen Dr. Morrisville, NC 27560. ** Please RSVP and send monies as soon as possible. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!
or email Anja @ aebw@duke.edu

Reunion Contacts

Anja Ancarana

Lisa Bevelacqua