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Sequoia High School, Class of 1995

Redwood City, California

Reunion Date: November 5th, 2005
Website: Visit our website

Have ten years really passed already? That is the word on the street. As a result, please join us in celebrating the Sequoia High School Class of 1995 TEN year reunion (feel old yet?)!

We will be celebrating ten years away from lovely 1201 Brewster Avenue by eating, drinking, and dancing the night away at the Peninsula Italian Social Club in downtown San Mateo.

If you are asking yourself, “Why should I attend the reunion?” – we have done your thinking for you. Where else will you find old friends and possibly old romantic interests all in one place? How else will you learn about the exciting things your Sequoia High classmates have been up to (e.g., who wins the award for the most number of kids, who moved the farthest away from good old RWC, which classmates married one another (yes, a few couples survived), who served for our country)? How else will you win fantastic door prizes that have been donated by local businesses?

Okay, if we have sold you on the event thus far and you are still reading, here are the details:

WHO: Sequoia High School Class of ’95 (it does not matter whether you graduated)

WHERE: Peninsula Italian Social Club

WHEN: Saturday, November 5, 2005

ATTIRE: Whatever you think you look most spiffy wearing

COST: $55 dollars per person/$110 per couple (this price covers a wonderful catered dinner, wine with dinner, DJ services, venue, etc.).

To purchase your ticket(s), send a check (made out to our reunion treasurer: “Andrew Eaton”) to the following address.

Reunion Committee
c/o Kristen Marshall
101 Maple Street, #1103,
Redwood City, CA, 94063

* PLEASE include your name (maiden name if you got married) and contact information when sending payment. *  

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