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Dowagaic Union High School, Class of 1995

Dowagiac, Michigan

Reunion Date: November 12th, 2005  (Tentative)

Plans are now in progress for a fun, relaxing evening as the Dowagiac Union High School Class of 1995 gears up for an exciting 10 Year Class Reunion. The reunion will be held at the Dowagiac Elks Club on Saturday, November 12, 2005. The evening will begin at 5:00pm with cocktails. Dinner will be served at 6:00pm. Please mark your calanders - we are all looking forward to a memorable evening of catching-up and reminiscing.

Reunion Contacts

Jennifer Peters
(248) 318-0466
DUHS.classof 1995@hotmail.com

Christina (Bowman) Jankoviak
(870) 450-0347