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Redlands High School, Class of 1974

Redlands, California

Reunion Date: August 21st, 2004
Website: Visit our website

Everyone loves summer and wouldn't be nice to make it endless? At least we can extend it by getting together at the end of the summer.

Our reunion will be Saturday, August 21, at the Redlands Country Club. The festivities will begin at 6:30 PM and go on until midnight. Reception and photo time is between 6:30 and 7:30. Dinner will be served at 7:30. After dinner we can mingle, visit and dance the night away.

The cost for this event is $74.00 ( does that number ring any bells?). We will all enjoy a tropical sit-down dinner. A memory book for each classmate is also part of the package, and of course ALL THE FUN!

The attire is summerish, but no jeans or hats are allowed. The bar is no host. Our dinner choices are tropical chicken breast, pork loin or vegetarian delight.

Reservations need to be made no later than July 15th. Please make sure your check, made out to 'RHS Class of 74' for $74.00 per person, arrives at the following address before July 15th. Accomodations are available for 300 people only, so please act quickly.

Class of 74 Reunion
1133 Alta Street
Redlands, CA 92374

Also, please indicate 'chicken', 'pork', or 'vegetarian' in the memo area of your check. Your confirmation number will be emailed to you upon receipt of your reservation check. (Please enclose your email address or a phone number would be great too.)

This should be another great event for the class of 1974!

See you in August!

Your committee,

Gretchen Brown Kennard
Valerie Alland Gonzales
Janet Miller Johnson
Patty Jensen Frost
Reed Carlstrom Carlstrom

Reunion Contacts

Committee Committee