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Los Angeles Center For Enriched, Class of 1979

Los Angeles, California

Reunion Date: March 18th, 2006

Plans are underway for the combined classes of the 80’s reunion. The classes of ’78 and ’79 are welcome also. The date is March 18, 2006. The reunion will be held at the Sheraton Universal in Universal City. Your committee representatives are Helaine Charney Kroll ’84 and Charisse Watkins Gonzalez ‘83. Please update your information with The Reunion Committee, Inc. at 661.259.5999, fax 661.259.1818, or web reunioncommittee.com. Please respond with your school, year, and name in high school.

Thank you,
The Reunion Committee, Inc.
Web reunioncommittee.com

Reunion Contacts

The Reunion Committee Inc
(661) 259-5999