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Lindblom Technical High School, Class of 1976

Chicago, Illinois

Reunion Date: No date has been set yet
Website: Visit our website

Hello Class of 1976!

Next year, 2006, marks 30 years since we roamed the halls of Lindblom Technical High School. If you are interested in helping to plan for our 30th Class Reunion, attending and/or keeping in touch with each other, please feel free to join this group.

If you know of anyone from the Class of '76 or who was a friend of our class, please tell them that the ball is officially rolling for the 30-Year Reunion! When you join this group, please take time to take the polls that are at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Lindblom_76/ & the polls that are at www.classmates.com (posted by Kathy Glees Daniels). We NEED your input!

***THE NEXT MEETING IS 3:00 PM, SUN, NOVEMBER 20, 2005, IL Location TBA. Hope to see you all then!***

The Moderators ~ Kathy Glees-Daniels
Beverly Wilson Ellison Sr., BAs, USAR, MCP, A+

Reunion Contacts

Kathy Glees-Daniels

Beverly Wilson Ellison Sr.