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Oak Creek High School, Class of 1986

Oak Creek, Wisconsin

Reunion Date: October 8th, 2006

A weekend event has been planned beginning on Friday, Â  October 7th with a tour of the new school and the varsity football game with more socializing at 'The Cellar' afterwards. The reunion dinner/dance will be Saturday, October 8th at the Four Points Sheraton Milwaukee Airport at 6:00. For more info contact: Missy Ackerman Havas at thavas@wi.rr.com; Banessa Maertz Treis at banessa@wi.rr.com or Lesley Luehrs-Groblewski at lesleyl@wi.rr.com

Reunion Contacts

Missy Ackerman-Havas

Lesley Luehrs-Groblewski

Banessa Treis