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Mission Viejo High, Class of 1976

Mission Viejo, California

Reunion Date: July 15th, 2006
Website: Visit our website

Exciting news, 76'ers...
The date and location of our 30th reunion has been selected. It will be held Saturday July 15, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency, Irvine. Ticket prices will be $85 a person, which includes a bio book for each prepaid alumnus. The Hyatt Regency is offering discounted sleeping rooms of about $130. However we have found that you may be able to obtain a cheaper rate online and/or through AAA.
Finding a venue and choosing a date was the easy part, now the hard part begins....locating and notifying the entire class. This is where you come in. Here's how you can help...

1) Be sure that the committee has your current address. If you haven't already done so, please contact us with your updated information. Feel free to email Debbie at lipsis@cox.net . We also recommend that you update your information with Great Reunions as well. While we will be exchanging information at some point, it will expedite your mailings from them if you contact them directly.

2) Please forward this email to all classmates in your address book and they, in turn, should do the same. Don't worry about   whether or not they have already received it. We would rather someone be notified several times than not at all.

3) Mark the date on all your calendars, July 15, 2006, and start planning your vacation time now. A year may seem like a long time away, but it's really not. Afterall, who would have thought that we'd be planning our 30th reunion when it feels like only yesterday that we were looking for a prom date.

4) Join our class message board. It's a fun place to meet up with old friends and get up to date information on all the reunion happenings.

More information will be forthcoming. Feel free to let us know if you have any suggestions for the reunion or for an additional event during that weekend. We would really appreciate your input. We hope this reunion will be the best one yet. Looking forward to seeing and hearing from you soon.

Your Reunion Committee,
Victor Vance
Debbie Wright
Stacey Wiseman Morrow
Dawn Westrom Nelson and, of course,
the one and only Mitch Adams

Related links:
Great Reunions http://www.greatreunions.com/reunions/school/home/index.cfm?Reunion=3008
Hyatt Regency, Irvine   
MVHS1976 (Class message board) Â  http://groups.msn.com/MVHS1976

Reunion Contacts

Debbie Wright

Victor Vance