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Godwin Heights High School, Class of 1981

Wyoming, Michigan

Reunion Date: October 6th, 2006

The Class of 1981 announces it's 25 year Class Reunion, this year we are inviting classes that graduated from 1974 through 1984 to attend. We think it would be fun to see other friends that graduated during this time and are looking forwad to seeing everyone. Please send inquiries to Bob Adgate at radgate1@hotmail.com or Denise Bravata-Bohay at bohay63@aol.com. The event will be held at The top of B.O.B located at 20 Monroe St Grand Rapids. Hope to see you there, due to limited space payment must be in advance and no one will be allowed in that has not paid by the day of the event.

Reunion Contacts

Bob Adgate
(616) 301 9280

Denise Bravata-Bohay
(616) 682 1416

Tammy DeVries Kretowicz