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Pacific High School, Class of 1983

San Leandro, California

Reunion Date: August 28th, 2004
Website: Visit our website

Hello Fellow Class of 1983 Vikings!

We had a 6-year, a 15-year, why not a 21-year Class Reunion?  Mark your calendars for

Saturday, August 28
at the Concord Hilton Hotel
for the Pacific High School Class of 1983 21st Year Class Reunion.

We are currently in the planning stages and need your help.  Mark the date on your calendar so that we can all get together again.  Formal invitations are in the works but we need LOTS of addresses.  Please forward your name, address, e-mail address, and phone number to:

Annie Stephanski Allen
P.O. Box 23495
Pleasant Hill, CA  94523

Or:  AStephanski@comcast.net

If you have contact information on our other classmates please send it as well.  Or, forward this e-mail message to anyone for whom you have an address.   We only have about 10% of the addresses for our class so we need your help.

Hope to see you in August!

Annie Stephanski
Christina Cadag
Benita Marquez
And lots of other Class of 1983 members on our ragtag committee

Reunion Contacts

Annie Stephanski

Benita Darcy

Christina Cadag