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Logan High School, Class of 1964

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Reunion Date: May 14th, 2004

The 1964 40th Class Reunion is gathering Friday, May 14, 2004, at Pogy's Hall (the old K of P Hall) at the corner of Avon and Clinton Streets from 6:00 pm to 10pm.  Casual dress is the attire for the evening.

There will be a $25 per person fee which will include hors devours, rental of the hall, name tags, mailing expenses and the Ranger Rally button which will get you in to all of Saturday's Ranger Rally activities.  There will be a cash bar.  We're hoping for a large enough turnout so we can donate $500 or more to the Logan Alumni Association Scholarship fund from the Class of '64.

Checks should be made payable to Jim Berg, Reunion Class of '64 and mailed to:  Jim Berg, P.O. Box 311, Platteville, WI  53818.  Jim's E-mail address is jberg@mchsi.com if anyone has questions.

We are looking for the following people:

Barbara Ammerman, Roland Anderson, Roxanne Brown, Sheila Clay, Norman Clement, Linda Copsey, Ronnie Elton, Betty Funmaker, Diane Glick, Nancy Halla, Ronnie Hanson, Allen Hills, Don Hooverson, Henry Huebner, Jerry Joles, Ralph Jurgens, Lalonne Kelly, Jean Luebben, Joan Luebben, Tom McClure, Gary Mitchell, Nancy Nelson, Allen Olson, Larry Olson, Janice Papenfuss, Carla Paulson, Thomas Payne, Dennis Peart, Gordon Reise, Kathleen Rollins, Karen Scherrer, Melanie Schultz, Jim Stellick, Jean Strittmater, Diane Swanson, Judy Taylor, Virginia Wells.

If you can help us with any information on the above named individuals, please e-mail Jim Berg (address shown above).

Reunion Contacts

Jim Berg