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Oberlin High School, Class of 1986

Oberlin, Ohio

Reunion Date: August 4th, 2006
Website: Visit our website

20 Year Reunion Announcement!


Oberlin High School Class of 1986 Reunion Plan ***UPDATE AS OF 4/9/06****

Friday, August 4, 2006

Oberlin Inn

$30 Per Person ($35 After June 1, 2006)

The Oberlin High School Class of 1986 will be holding their 20th Class Reunion August 4 - August 6, 2006 at Oberlin Inn.

Members of the Oberlin High School Class of 1986 will be given first come, first served rooms for a cost of $79 (plus tax) per night through July 4, 2006 at noon. After that date, rooms will be honored for the $79 rate if available.

Event registration will take place outside of the Brewsters (Oberlin Inn Bar) Friday evening. So far we have booked a DJ and will play some fun games that will take us back to the year we graduated.

During this same weekend of August 4 - 6, there will be a Sidewalk Sale, Family Fun Fair and Vintage Car show going on downtown Oberlin too! So there will be plenty for all to do. We also plan to schedule a special tour of the High School too. We want to make this exciting and fun for everyone and their families. If you have any ideas as to what you would like to see happen at this event or if you can help plan with us, please let us know.

Details are still being developed. Please contact all classmates from Oberlin High School 1986 Class and ask them to register on this site.

Our committee is interested in keeping in touch with everyone through e-mail so please send your e-mail address or other classmates e-mail address to Shawn Stovall at msBooyah@webtv.net so that we can stay in touch with everyone.

We hope you are having a wonderful new year! We'll be in touch!

The 1986 Oberlin High School Class Reunion Committee
Event URL: www.ohs1986reunion.com

Event Contact: Sharon Pearson

Make Checks Payable To: OHS Reunion
Mail Payment To: Dr. Jennifer Shults, 7 North Main Street, Oberlin, Ohio 44074

Reunion Contacts

Sharon Pearson
(440) 452-6607

Shawn Stovall

Annessa (Oliver) Wyman