Just Announced Reunions

The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Upcoming Class Reunions

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Monroe, Class of 1977

Sepulveda, California

Reunion Date: No date has been set yet
Website: Visit our website

Your 30 year reunion is coming in 2007†¦ Details to be announced.
Please contact: The Reunion Committee, Inc.
Update your current address/phone number, email†¦and any other classmates’ information you might have.
w w w. reunioncommittee.com
Phone: 661. 259.5999
Fax: 661. 259.1818
( Be sure to include your school, year you graduated and your name in high school.)

Your class representatives are Wendy Boardman Cox, Brad Beck, and Lori
Horwitz Andrews

Thank you

The Reunion Committee, Inc.

Reunion Contacts

The Reunion Committee Inc
(661) 259 5999