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Elgin High School, Class of 1986

Elgin, Texas

Reunion Date: June 24th, 2006

We are getting closer to our class reunion, scheduled for June, 24, 2006. We only have 35 classmates registered on the Yahoo account. We need to try reaching the MIA classmates. So if you know how to contact them please do so. If not, we can try visiting their parents (if they are in Elgin) so we can reach them via the US mail.
I will be placing flyers around Elgin with the information on this email which is another means to reach them.

We can begin sending Kevin Mills (address below) our money for the event. We are asking $25 a person ($50 a couple). This cost will include the dinner buffet, t-shirts, D.J., door prizes and decorations. If you are willing to contribute towards our door prizes, please let me know. I know this may sound strange, but if you have any associates/friends who have or are in a business that may be willing to give as well, that would be great. I have managed to get a couple of my friends to give some of their products (i.e. Handmade Jewelry, Gift Card from Target).

If you have any questions, please respond to this email or call me on my cell phone, 736-2472.

Here is the schedule:

Thursday, June 22
Meet at Joe Lopez’s house to decorate the float. More to come on this.
Saturday, June 24
@ 7:00 AM, Meet at the Old High School – Our Old High School.
Ride the float in the parade - Jaime Beltran will be providing a keg J
Meet at the park after the parade
@ 7:00 PM, Meet at 3H Cattle Company (Better Known as the Barnyard – Off 290)
Casual Wear
Spouses and significant others are welcome

Send money to:
Kevin Mills
103 East Prairie Lea Street
Lockhart TX 78644

Make payable to:
Class of 86

Reunion Contacts

Sylvia Oviedo
(512) 736-2472