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Victor High School, Class of 1986

Victor, Montana

Reunion Date: June 16th, 2006  (Tentative)
Website: Visit our website

we just sent invitations, if you did not receive, please let me know....we probably couldn't find your address!

Victor High School Class of 1986
20 Year Reunion!
June 16-18, 2006
Friday, June 16th
6:30 p.m. Tour our school—meet outside Victor High School... No host cocktail
reception following tour.
Saturday, Â  June 17th:
6:00 p.m. Dinner and dancing   location to be determined
Sunday, June 18th:
11:00 a.m.—??   Family picnic at Lake Como†¦....bring your parents and children!plan on bringing your own cooler of food for the picnic
Price: Â  $35.00 per person or $50.00 for couples attending dinner on Saturday.
No charge for attending other events.
RSVP by May 31, 2006 For updates e-mail : Bonnie Taylor or Dora Bradt

Reunion Contacts

Dora Bradt