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Lake Howell High School, Class of 1986

Winter Park, Florida

Reunion Date: October 20th, 2006
Website: Visit our website

Friday, October 20th @ Sam Sneads Downtown,301 East Pine Street in Downtown Orlando
Time: 8pm-11pm
Hor D'Ouerves Served.
Price Per Person: $25.00

Saturday, October 21st @ Doc's Restaurant, 1315 South Orange Avenue in Downtown Orlando
Time: 7pm-Midnight
Dinner & Dance
Price Per Person: $85.00

Hotel Accomodations available at The Embassy Suites for $139.00/night. Call 407.841.1000 to make reservations. Please mention Lake Howell High School Class of 1986 to receive this rate. Your reservation must be made by 9/20/06 to receive the special rate.The Embassy Suites is located at 191 East Pine Street in Downtown Orlando.

You should receive an invitation in the mail shortly. If you do not receive an invitation in the mail by June 15th and would like to receive one, please email katie@event-place.com. We will put one in the mail shortly. You can register on-line by going to www.event-place.com/currentreunions.htm and click on Lake Howell High School Class of 1986.

Reunion Contacts

The Event Place
(727) 388-6974