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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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StadiumCups.com is your source for custom printed drinkware.The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceOurclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sites

Rocklin High, Class of 1997

Rocklin, California

Reunion Date: July 1st, 2006  (Tentative)
Website: Visit our website

I'm just getting started on planning and still working on the details. Please email me all of your contact info, what you're doing now, spouse's name and bday, anniversary, children's names and bdays, any accomplishments (mine's having my son!), college you attended, degrees, activities you're doing, Any fun info you'd like to share, please do! Also, spread the word! I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone!! Take care! Go Thunder!

Reunion Contacts

Angel Croteau (Walker)
(916) 521-0325