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ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

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Riesel High School, Class of 1994

Riesel, Texas

Reunion Date: No date has been set yet

Hi!  Long time no see.
It's about that time.  We have reached the ten year mark for our first reunion.
We are excited to hear from all of you.  We want to know how you're doing, how you meet your spouse, and how you have been blessed since we parted ways.  

Mark and I have ben talking about when, how, and where we could get together.  We have a few ideas.  If you can think of anything let us know.  Our ears are open.

Please contact us.  We can all decide how  we are going to accomplish this.  Let's make a great 10 year reunion.  We have always been the class to do things different with a touch of pizzaz. I am looking forward to this.

Reunion Contacts

Mark Montie
(936) 560-9641

Victoria Randolph
(254) 896-2098