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Hernando High School, Class of 1986

Brooksville, Fl, Florida

Reunion Date: July 21st, 2006
Website: Visit our website

Hernando High School*The Class of 1986*~20th Yr. Reunion~
*Majestic Oaks/Brooksville Golf and Country Club *
23446 Links Dr. Brooksville, FL 34601
Please join us Friday July 21, 2006 to rejoin and reminisce with fellow classmates from the Class of 1986! Mr. David Pribil will be "spinning records" from the great era of the 80's! *Cocktails*6:00 pm (Cash Bar) *Luau Buffett/Pool Side
On Friday night, we are having a luau!! This will be a casual night/icebreaker to catch up with classmates! Please dress comfortably!! Hawaiin Shirts and Grass Skirts :>
Saturday Night*6:00 PM*Cocktails (Cash Bar)7:00 PM - Dinner Buffett/Dance *Majestic Oaks/Brooksville Golf and Country Club Saturday nite, 7-22-06 will be a more formal night of dinner and dancing!
Cost $55.00 per person. This will include both dinners for both nights, gratuity, Mr. DJ, and other cost related to the reunion.
DEADLINE for Payment: July 7, 2006
Mail to Maresa Asbel Tucker C/O HHS 1986 Reunion - 3266 Aberyls St. Spring Hill, Fl 34606

Once payment is received your name tag will be waiting for you @ the door! Sorry, We cannot accept any payments @ the door. We do need a confirmation so Please, Hurry and Send those in!!
You can contact either Maresa Asbel Tucker at (m a r e s a 8 6 @ y a h o o.c o m) or Tammy Hobbs Johnston at (d j o h n s t 7 @ t a m p a bay.r r.c o m)


Reunion Contacts

Maresa Asbel Tucker

Tammy Hobbs Johnston

Melissa Griswald Malicoate