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Ourclassonline.com - customizable class reunion web sitesThe Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

Milton High School, Class of 1986

Milton, West Virginia, West Virginia

Reunion Date: July 28th, 2006

July 28, 2006 FridayNight 6-9 ....... Cabell Midland High School Cafeteria and game room Adult only event Dress comfortable Summer attire.......

July 29, 2006 Saturday All day 11- when ever we old foggies get too tired..... Lots of thing for the kids to do ...... Fishing lake. Skateboard park....Tennis Courts...... Baseball field Shelter 7 and 8 at the old Hurricane park. Dress comfortable

We will be having a celebrity auction at the friday night event as well as Kareoke and finger foods.....

Cost for the entire weekend will be $25.00 and a food item or an item for auction ......

We will be raising funds for The Queen/ Scarberry family medical expenses

Contact Missi Saunders Weekley

Reunion Contacts

Meliessa Weekley
(304) 7305437