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Woodrow Wilson, Class of 1986

Long Beach, California

Reunion Date: August 26th, 2006

We need all your info! Please email us at admin@wilson86reunion.com with updated info so we can get an invitation out to you in the mail...
Invite reads:
it's been 20 years so let's hang out this summer!
August 26, 2006 at 7pm
at the Long Beach Yacht Club
6201 Appian Way
so, tease your bangs, turn up your collar, splash on some Polo and join us for some totally jammin' tunes, major munchies and a serious no-host bar

Please RSVP by August 15
Admission per person is
$85 early bird--Postmarked by July 10
$95 by August 15
$110 cash at door
graduate's memory book included--

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