Just Announced Reunions

The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning Service

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Upcoming Class Reunions

ReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.

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The Northwest's Premier Reunion Planning ServiceReunionTeam is a full service reunion planning company based in Houston, Texas, with staff experienced in planning memorable and successful reunions.StadiumCups.com is your source for custom printed drinkware.

Burns Union High School, Class of 1984

Burns, Oregon

Reunion Date: July 23rd, 2004

The class reunion is set for July 23,24 and25th. Friday night we will get together at the Big Bear Lodge for drinks and socializing. Saturday we will have a BBQ at Triangle Park at Noon with Hambergers and Hotdogs. We need all classmates to bring a side dish or dessert and whatever drinks your family would like to drink. Saturday Night will be the Banquet dinner at the Old camp Casino. Social is at 7pm and Dinner at 7:30,Prizes and Entertainment. Sunday we could get together for breakfast at a local restaraunt if so desired. Please let me know if you are coming and if you will be bringing a guest.
Price is $100.00 for couple and $75.00 for single. There will also be a time on Saturday morning for those people who would like to golf,$22.00 for 18 holes and 15.00 for 9 holes. The price for golf and the drinks and appatizers on Friday night is not included in the reunion.

Reunion Contacts

Leslie Beal(Basey)
(541) 573-3944

Tina Bossuot(Shepard)
(541) 573-5324