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Atherton High School, Class of 1981

Burton, Michigan

Reunion Date: August 26th, 2006
Website: Visit our website

25 Year Class Reunion

Location: Davison VFW Hall
9474 Lapeer Rd.
Davison, MI. 48423

Date: August 26, 2006

Time: 6:00 PM – Midnight

Dress: Whatever you want to wear – JUST COME!

Cost: $25.00 per person

Format: Dinner, Dancing, Pictures, 25 yr reunion yearbook will be made by professional photographer [and available for purchase]

R.S.V.P. Mail check; payable to:
Shannon Geraghty
170 Whitlock Street
Saline, MI 48176

Bring: Favorite photos and memorabilia to share

Request: If you are a member of the Davison VFW Hall, please contact Shannon ASAP at sheree170@aol.com or 248-379-5502

Please visit our FREE Atherton class of 1981 website for ongoing updates on the reunion! Register yourself and chat with fellow classmates.


Reunion Contacts

Shannon Geraghty
(734) 429-5645