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Riverdale High School, Class of 1986

Ft. Myers, Florida

Reunion Date: October 21st, 2006

Hi RHS class of 86

Planning is underway for our 20th High School Reunion. The date has been set for Oct. 20, 21 and 22. Below is what has been planned.

Friday 10/20- RHS Homecoming football game (RHS vs. LaBelle)
Saturday 10/21- Verandah Country Club for dinner (Located in East Fort Myers)
Sunday 10/22- Afternoon family picnic

Time & Cost = TBA

It is important that we have the latest & greatest information about you on file to make this a successful reunion. Please contact Venia (Fish) Joray (lady and the stamp @ comcast . net)(remove spaces in e-mail address) with your name, address, phone & e-mail.
We would like to keep this list current for future reunions and announcements.

For those of you unable to attend, we are hoping to have a reunion memory book with contact information & a biography of each classmate, available for purchase after the reunion.

We hope to see everyone in October.

Reunion Coordinators

Reunion Contacts

Venia (Fish) Joray

Melissa Moes