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Baxter Springs High School, Class of 1976

Baxter Springs, Kansas

Reunion Date: July 14th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

This is a multi year reunion. It includes the classes of 1974-1975-1976-1977-1978. You need to log onto the website(baxterspringsreunion.com) and get the information about the slide show and dig out all those old pictures of friends and school.
We will have a golf game/ swimming possible on Saturday along with a brunch consisting of coffee and donuts at the Baxter Springs Historical Museum where you will visit with teachers and view memoriable our days at old BHS. A tour of the Old BHS and New BHS is also being planned . Teachers will also be invited to the reunion dinner, I'm sure you will want to visit with them. Deann Binns and Phyllis Abbott has been involved in the planning of this event.
There will be a huge professional fireworks display (Thanks to Rich Barnett) after the reunion at the stadium of the football field. Plans are still being made but really need people to help get addresses from some of the class 1974-75,77,78. If you can or will help please email Pam Hessee Paxson at pampaxson@hotmail.com or the others listed on this website
If you are unable to help please just reserve the date and come to the reunion.
If you are unable to come please fill out the bio page and send it back for our books. We want to know where you are and how you are doing, for those unable to attend the bio books will also be for sale. Info on this will come in your Registration letter.

Reunion Contacts

Rich Barnett
(636) 2402893

Tamera Smith/Sweeton
(913) 8971040

Martha Mitchell/Myers
(417) 4386629