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Morton Senoir High School , Class of 1998

Hammond, Indiana

Reunion Date: No date has been set yet
Website: Visit our website

Calling all Morton High Shool Class of 1998 graduates! Our class reunion committee has begun planning our ten year reunion, that will be scheduled for the summer or early fall of 2008. We would like to invite all of our classmates to visit us at the above listed reunion website, and to join us there. We need all of our classmates to send us your contact information for the reunion. Any c/o 98 graduate who has not already contacted a reunion committee memeber with your whereabouts, please e-mail us with your info at our class website, or you can contact myself directly. We are hoping to reach all of our classmates and have a successful and exciting ten year high school reunion. Thanks everyone!!

Reunion Contacts

Amanda Postma (Townsend)