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Hamilton High School, Class of 1957

Hamilton, Mercer Co., New Jersey

Reunion Date: September 22nd, 2007
Website: Visit our website

Dear Manager,
Our class of 1957, Hamilton High School, is planning a 50th class reunion this coming September. Please place the following ad on your site. If you have any questions, please contact me by computer - Jerdawn2002@yahoo.com

Thank you,
Jerry DePew

Hamilton High School, Class of 1957
is preparing for their 50th Reunion
on September 22, 2007. Anyone who
has not received their letter of information
or is interested in helping on the committee, please
call Jerry DePew at 609-586-5047
or e-mail HH57Reunion@aol.com.

Reunion Contacts

jerry DePew
(609) 586-5047