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Libertyville High School, Class of 1977

Libertyville, Illinois

Reunion Date: July 13th, 2007
Website: Visit our website

Save the Date!!!

LHS Class of 1977 30th Reunion Celebration

When: Friday & Saturday, July 13-14, 2007

For details and to register, please go to:


Pass the word to all your classmates you are in-touch with as well!

Class of '77 reunion committee contacts include:

Marge (Haqq) Molitor: watchingboss@aol.com
Steve Lichter: steve.lichter@sbcglobal.net
Joan (Swoboda) Lichter: jlichter@sbcglobal.net
Karin (Nielsen) Kakenmaster: PKKMCR@aol.com
Charla (Newman) Bobrick: cab_wjb@hotmail.com
Tami (Bauer) Kopp: tamikopp@ameritech.net
Peggi (Graham) Huiskens: phuiskens@aol.com
Jeannie (Hutmacher) Merlo
Joe Hamman: joehdds@comcast.net
Ed Sweeney: ewsweeney91@aol.com
Carol Passalaqua: clpassa@sbcglobal.net

Reunion Contacts

Charla (Newman) Bobrick

Ed Sweeney