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Pontiac Central High School, Class of 1988

Pontiac, Michigan

Reunion Date: July 18th, 2008

PCH Class of 1988 High School Reunion
Dates: 07/18/2008 - 07/20/2008
Host Hotel:
Detroit Marriott Pontiac Centerpoint
3600 Centerpoint Parkway
Pontiac, Michigan 48341 USA
Phone: 1-248-253-9800
Fax: 1-248-253-9682
Room rates: $89 per night - You must make your reservations by 6/20/2008 to obtain this rate
Activities: 7/18/2008 - Meet and Greet
7/19/2008 Strolling Reception
7/20/2008 Family Picnic
Cost: $100 individual, $125 guest

If you can't attend the entire function the cost or each day is as follow: Friday Meet and Greet $25; Saturday night stroling reception - $50; Sunday Picnic - $25

For more details:
E-mail address: classof1988@comcast.net
Contact: Sonya Riley 248-636-3287
Mailing address: P.O. Box 7907, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

We hope to see you there!

Class of 1988 Reunion Planning Committee
Sonya Riley, Rosalind Taylor, Ericka Elliott, Carneil Thomas-X and Esther Stevens

Reunion Contacts

Esther Stevens
(248) 371-2194

Ericka Elliott